Monday, January 31, 2011


there's a lot of beautiful doors in Antigua. some are steal, some are tin, but most are wood. rich mahogany I would guess - stained beautifully. most often the door is actually two doors in one. a large one for cars and a smaller one built into it for people. they are beautiful.

more than a few people have mentioned that they see us down here as a hallway or a doorway between two rooms. a corridor between canada and el salvador. a connecting point from calgary with all our monetary wealth to the folks of San Vicente who often go with so little. from back home with so much loneliness and lack of fulfillment to down here where faith and hope and joy shines through the faces of those without much 'stuff'.

we need each other.

we feel honored to be the doorway; the hallway between these worlds. I had the idea of taking pictures of various hallways and including one each time we posted on this blog. in hindsight, i should've asked Maria before I snuck into her house for a photo. anyway, we decided to stick to photos of doors for now.

so even when we're up in the night cuz a kids got the runs, or an upset stomach. even when we feel like Spanish is not as easy to speak as English. even when our kids are homesick. and even when us adults miss our friends and family back home. we walk by another door - and remember why we are here.

they will remind us, if no one else, of one of our main focuses here, to be the doorway between two worlds. two worlds that I believe need each other...



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