We made it! Mostly uneventfully to boot!! Other than finding out that an extra bag cost us $225, we had no other complaints. The kids rose to the occasion and behaved themselves quite well. We had a Burger King supper at midnight in the LA airport, which the kids held their eyes open with toothpicks to get themselves through. We got into Guatemala at 7:15 am and were met with an orange sign by Julio and Fernando.
We loaded our 24 bags into two vans and drove off to our place in Antigua . When we opened the door, we were met with a sight for sore eyes. Behind a cement wall we found a beautifully lush garden, with a playground for the kids and 2 little jr suites and 2 bedrooms with double beds. We ended up having Stu and I in one suite with Violet, Kerrie and Trent downstairs in the other suite with Ben and Kade on top, and Annah and Winnie sharing a room. Eli and Ellis sharing a single bed with
Isaiah in the bed next to them. So far we have put them to bed 2 nights and it has worked out great. Annah even remarked " it's like college, we get our own little room!"

The lovely woman who owns the place is named Lorena, she lives here with her 90 year old mother and her daughter Anna Louisa and her 2 year old grandson Nicolas, whom Kerrie has learned quite a bit of Spanish from over the last couple of days. Anna is going to be Violet's baby sitter while we at school. Lorena cooks us three meals a day, I repeat 3 meals a day!! Except on the weekends. That means I don't have to cook at all for a month! They also have woman here that cleans our place every day. Paradise!
Today was our "Family Fun Day" as Trent labelled it. We intended on taking the kids swimming,
Along with this Ben decided that he would like to raise some money for El Salvador. We had gone to the grocery store the day before and let all the kids get a treat. Ben picked out these candy coated peanut things that turned out to be disgusting, and Winnie and Annah picked out gold gum coins that came in 100 per package. He came up with the plan that he and the other kids would sell them to people walking by at 5 gums for a quetzal. 1 quetzal is equal to about 13 cents. No one wanted to buy the peanuts, but they did make 15 quetzal in 'chicle' sales!!

Tomorrow we start school. Eli and Ellis are going to school at a Spanish Kindergarten down the street from our school. They need to bring a snack, drink, notebook and a pack of crayons, so cute!! We will spend from 8-12 at our school each with a private tutor. Well it took me 2 hours to figure out how to get all the pictures on this blog post, so please enjoy it for at least a few minutes!!
You guys are on our minds on a regular basis. We are so excited for you and love you and pray for you from afar. Let us know what you need..and if you need to teachers..let us know that too! What a blessing to live in this place while you do your language study. Expect to learn much about having "the faith of a child" this next while through the eyes and hearts of your kids. They truly have a special spot in the Father's heart. Love you.
ReplyDeleteWow, what an adventure already!!
ReplyDeleteIt was awesome meeting you guys at Johnnies... looking forward to having you come out to our village and see what's happening in our world here in guatemala! Call me when you can.. Guat cell is 5389-9415.. (Mark schmidt)