Hi All, It has been a long while since we last met. After spending 3 1/2 months back in Canada having a rest and visiting with friends and family, we returned to El Salvador on August 1st. 15 hours of fairly drama free traveling, we arrived at the airport in San Salvador to an entire bus full of friends from the village of San Antonio. It always amazes me, what care and love the people of San Antonio have for us. They spend what little money they have to rent a bus to come to the airport, all for the sake of being the first faces we see when we arrive. It really touches my heart. We also arrived to Pastor Oscar and Jacky in our freshly cleaned, freshly smelling pick up! We spent the night at the OEF hotel where they had put 6 beds in one room especially for us!
The next day we began a search for our house-to-be. We went to one place to get the owner to let us in and upon seeing us, they decided that the place wasn't for rent anymore! We proceeded to another place where we waited for the owner to come and meet us. This house we knew was for sale and the owner wasn't sure that he wanted to rent it. After seeing this place, we knew that it was the one we wanted. First we were led into the yard, I repeat - yard-, where we feasted our eyes on numerous fruit trees. There was a mango tree, mandarin tree, lemon tree, banana tree and avocado trees. There is a nice kitchen with an oven. At least two of the rooms have air conditioning. There is a BBQ pit in the back yard and a 2 bedroom guesthouse! We talked it over with the owner and explained to him exactly what we are doing here, and he decided to think about it. We decided to leave it at that.
Our friends in San Antonio invited us for lunch and spent an amazing couple of hours visiting, helping to make lunch and feasting on carne asada, rice, salsa and tortillas. Then Stuart visited the goat farm. Man, is it hot here. We needed to return to our hotel room for some reprieve from the heat!! After we cooled down, we went to visit with our friend Dr. Carlos. He showed us another house that he knew was for rent. It was nice, but nowhere as nice as the first one we looked at. We went for Pupusas for supper.
The next morning Oscar called the owner and he decided that he would rent to us for 10 mos. PTL!! He named a price that was about double what we were willing to pay :( We thought for sure it was done. Then when we said there is no way we could pay that and were about to leave, he said "Wait, how much can you pay?" We gave him our top limit and he said ok!! We move in tomorrow. Pictures to follow.
Today we visited with our friends Pimpa, Esmeralda and Wendy in Las Brisas. They are all doing pretty well and Pimpa made us rice pupusas and they were amazing!! We came home and got cleaned up and headed to church where we were greeted enthusiastically by the church members. And for supper??? Pupusas! Are we sick of them yet? Not on your life. We are happy to be here and are excitedly awaiting the next chapter of our lives in El Salvador.

Please note that the Sewing Centre is still up and running. We are looking for stores to market our quilts in and more orders. Please check out our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Sowers-of-Jireh-Sewing-Quilting-Centre-El-Salvador/313629872010400 to find out more details.
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