We have been very busy over the last few weeks. A month has gone by in the wink of an eye for us. We just got news that there is snow already in Canada. It seems so weird to me, feels like it was just summer. Over the last month we have had 3 groups from Canada come. First, Pastor Deve's team from Sarnia, Ontario came and filled their week with numerous activities. It was really exciting to show them all the new things going in the communities we have been working with for the last 9 months. They built 5 homes, visited our friends at the Exodo Orphanage and spent a day visiting and working with Compassion Canada and handed out food to 135 families in San Antonio. Check out their blog at http://www.semcelsalvador.blogspot.com/ to read more about their week. It was great to see the group in action and even though this was new for us, it went surprisingly well. And it was surprising for us realize that it took the five of us, Trent, Kerrie Lynn, Stuart and I and Phil to do the job that one man did in previous years; Pastor Jorge.
In September I started showing Pimpa how to make quilts.

It is almost impossible to find nice cotton material here and we wanted for this sewing centre to be a ongoing, self sustaining, income making endevour. By using materials that the general public have access to, they will be able to continue making these creations on their own when we leave.

It is so cool to know how people have come together from there and here to make this happen. We are currently looking for more people to train in cutting and sewing. It is a bit difficult because right now, the pay is so little. But the sewers we have, know this and are happy to learn a new skill. Here are some pictures of the type of quilts we are making now.
If you have any ideas for us or would like to purchase a quilt or apron or tote bag, we are now taking orders, please e-mail me at Carie McAllister - csmcalli@gmail.com .
Quilt Prices are as follows:
Crib $65
Throw $75
Single $85
Double $100
Queen $125
King $150The Sowers of Jireh or Centro De Coser Los Sembradores is what we are calling the people that work in the centre. The Jireh, referring to Jehovah Jireh means Our Provider. Since we are employing people form the villages around El Salvador, that might not have other employment and enabling them to grow and learn, providing future opportunities, we are sowing the work of Our Provider! We are also doing a weekly devotional with everyone in the centre and praying for various groups. As you read this, please pray for unity within our sowers as different people from different areas come together to work as a team.
Luke 8:5-8
New International Version (NIV)
5 “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. 6 Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.”
Please also pray that we a yield a crop, a hundred times more than was sown!!
Please also pray that we a yield a crop, a hundred times more than was sown!!
Looks great, Carie. Keep working hard for the Lord! It's so worth it.
ReplyDeletebeautiful quilts! Please let me know if you need more material and I would be happy to collect what you need and bring it with me in January.
ReplyDeleteas well, I did a post on my blog about a goat craft I did for our young friend's birthday where we donated money in honour of his birthday and I made him a stuffed goat (well I tried anyways :)
the link is: http://deeannchibry.com/wordpress/?p=4216