Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Final Stretch Thoughts.

Well, we are now in our final stretch here in El Salvador. We have about 2 weeks left before heading home. Thought I should update the blog since we haven't done it in a while. It seems like, just like it did in Canada, life got going on a roller coaster speed. Since October, we have received 18+ teams, started a complete goat farm project, started a sewing centre, taken many early morning trips to the hospital in San Salvador with babies and in one year, we built over 160 houses. All be the glory to God. Without Him, none of this would have been accomplished. He blessed us over and over again, opened doors and showed us the way. 

In the sewing centre, we do devotionals every Monday morning. A couple Monday's ago, Oscar handed out little inspirational cards to everyone. Mine said Salmos 37:24 Podrá tropezar pero no caerá, porque el SENOR lo sostiene de la mano. After I figured out that it said .. Psalms 37:24 24 Though they stumble, they will never fall, 
      for the LORD holds them by the hand. I realized that this is basically my personal message for this year.

About a month ago, I was carrying some things out of a store to put together our baskets for the families that we build for and I tripped and hurt my ankle very badly. After having all my friends here tell me the El Salvadorian way of curing it, I tried a sovador, suelda con suelda and unguento leon! Then finally a couple weeks ago I saw the doctor and he told me that I need 3 weeks rest from walking and driving!! I think maybe this is God’s way of telling me that I need to slow down. That God will take care of me and, hold me by the hand and worry about the things that I am worried about so I can rest in Him. What a profound thought!! Too bad that it took a physical trip and fall to knock me in the head and say "HELLO... Are you listening??" but such is my life.

I just spent a little time reading over some of our blog posts from the beginning of the year. I can honestly say that not a lot has changed. (except maybe Trent and Ben's hair!) We continued to pursue relationship building over just handing out "stuff" and doing. And out of that relationship, we have seen opportunities arise. One of the closest to my heart is the Sewing Centre - The Sowers of Jireh. I feel as though we have all been blessed by the Centre. We are currently employing 9 women and 1 man, but it didn't come with out worry.

 Several times I had worries about tomorrow. First I worried that there wouldn't be a place for them to work, I worried that we wouldn't have enough money to buy the equipment and machines.  I worried that there wouldn't be enough work for the ladies, and that we couldn't keep paying them, I worried that they weren't getting along. I worried that no one would like the quilts we were making. I worried that we wouldn't have a way to ship them. What did all that worry lead me to? A whole lot of headache and nothing else.  I tried to be reminded of the verse in the bible in 
Matthew 6:33-34 .. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
 34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today

In spite of my worry the Lord loves what we are doing here, 

the sewing centre project has been blessed by him and 

continues to open doors in His own timing.

HE provided the place, the electrician, the machines at an 
affordable cost. Numerous, numerous, numerous people to 
donate materials, supplies, machines, and jeans. HE helped us to make a beautiful product that people are interested in, and we now have a contract for 100 quilts, but most of all he provided HOPE for those that may not in other ways have any. And now, God will provide for the shipping aspect too. I remembered to listen this time and he whispered to me ....”Be still my child, do not worry I will take care of your burden for you.” 

Now we have purchased the machines and supplies to start sewing and silk screening t-shirts to sell and that is a whole other worry!! :) 

It is going to be really hard to say goodbye to many people here. Oscar and Jacky who have been our good friends and Uncle and Aunt to our children. Tomasita, who as been by our side as we have worked in San Antonio, working even harder to make our jobs easier. Basilio, Noe, Roberto, Fredi and Miguel who have been our constant, reliable work crew on all 160 houses. Pastor Jorge and Maritza, who have been like parents to us, while ours can not be here. Pimpa and the ladies in the sewing centre, who patiently walked along side us as we had trials and errors. Juanita, Daniela, Diego, Vanesa, & Doris who we now consider our family. They are with us every day and we love them. And many many others... Patricia, Jacky Martinez, Carlos, all people that have left an impact on our lives in this short year. But we know that this is not the end. The world is small now, especially with Skype and facebook and we will keep in touch and hope that they will continue to flourish as we have seen them do this year. And who knows, may God will bring us back here again? Either way, again I have been reminded about Esther in the bible and Mordechai reminding her that .. Who knows? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this." We really were meant to be here for such a time as this.

And thank you all, without out the support from back home in Canada, we could not have done it here. You are our rock, and we are looking forward to being home and sharing all that we have learned this year in person. See you soon.

ps. we are still trying to collect funds for the new part of the sewing centre. If you would like to contribute, please click on the Donate button on the side of this page.
Check out our official Sowers of Jireh Website -

We will be selling our beautiful products from Canada, so let us know by clicking on this link... at The McAllisters e-mail if you would like to make a purchase.